Course Evaluation Form for
A d v a n c e d   O n l i n e   R e c r u i t i n g   T e c h n i q u e s

Whether you took our course live or online, we very much want your feedback! Please download (Word doc) and fill out the short evaluation form below. Turn it in to your instructor (if at a live training) or fax it back to (781)806-5303.

If you are taking this course online-only and did NOT attend a live (in-person) version of this training, not all questions in the attached will be relevant. You may skip the ones that relate to live presentation.
Bonus incentive: When you submit the form with your contact information (not shared with any parties outside and, which run the trainings), you'll receive notice of additional discounts/coupons and free trials for useful Internet recruiting tools.

Thank you for your assistance. If you have additional feedback, please feel free to or call Glenn Gutmacher at . Remember, your suggestions improve the course for you and your colleagues.