If you have a computer training room in your offices, or can hook up a number of Internet-connected computers in one room, you may be able to host the Advanced Online Recruiting Techniques seminar in your own offices without having to incur off-site rental fees from a professional training facility. Below is the instructor's recommended setup (ideal for learning), basic setup, and the minimum requirements:
If you cannot provide either of the above configurations, we can help you locate a training facility nearby, such as a community college or other Internet-enabled conference center, to host the seminar. However, you would be responsible for any associated rental fees (usually $600-$1000). Feel free to email seminars@recruiting-online.com if questions.
Whether you choose to include all modules or eliminate
some in order to shorten the overall seminar length, the cost is the
same. (Prices are listed here.)
Click the links below to learn more:
R e c o m m e n d e d
c o n f i g u r a t i o nB a s i c
f a c i l i t yM i n i m u m
r e q u i r e m e n t s
N/A - each attendee watches instructor display and takes notes
(Same as recommended at left)
N/A -- instructor can walk around room while presenting to make sure everyone is on same page
N/A - instructor just make notes in Wordpad in a separate window on screen and distribute to attendees afterwards (this is also done in recommended and basic, anyway)
Short break every 1-2 hours; up to attendees to obtain refreshments